What is First class function in JavaScript ?


1 min read

In JavaScript, functions are first-class citizens. This means that functions in JavaScript are treated like any other variable. A first-class function can:

  1. Be stored in a variable:

     let myFunction = function() { 
         console.log('Hello World'); 
     myFunction();  // Outputs: Hello World
  2. Be passed as an argument to another function:

     function sayHello() {
         return 'Hello, ';
     function greet(helloFn, name) {
         console.log(helloFn() + name);
     greet(sayHello, 'John'); // Outputs: Hello, John
  3. Be returned from another function:

     function outerFunction() {
         return function innerFunction() {
             return 'Hello World';
     let myFunction = outerFunction();
     console.log(myFunction()); // Outputs: Hello World
  4. Be stored in data structures such as an array, an object, or a map:

     let funcArray = [function(){ return 'Hello '}, function(){ return 'World!'}];
     console.log(funcArray[0]() + funcArray[1]()); // Outputs: Hello World!
     let funcObject = {sayHello: function(){ return 'Hello '}, sayWorld: function(){ return 'World!'}};
     console.log(funcObject.sayHello() + funcObject.sayWorld()); // Outputs: Hello World!

These characteristics are what make JavaScript a functional language, since it supports the concept of treating functions as first-class citizens.

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